101: RFID Scales Beyond Retail – Inventory Visibility Just the Beginning
Session Track
Cross Industry
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Location Name
Aurora Ballroom & Exhibit Hall - Theater 3

From early implementations of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) on apparel products, retail companies have seen inventory accuracy soar to nearly 99 percent. This enormous improvement spurred other industries to take note and pursue RAIN RFID on a variety of product categories for a multitude of use cases. Hear the latest trends in how this technology is poised to create step change across industries not only for not inventory visibility, but also to enhance organizations’ ability to manage automation, traceability and recalls, claims compliance, sustainability reporting, loss prevention, temperature control, and a host of other business benefits.

*This session is being recorded for replay.